Equi-Ed is a non-profit organization. Equi-Ed’s goal is to make this program and its benefits available to as many students as possible. Fees are necessary to help defray the expense of our program. Student fees, however, cover less than half the actual cost of providing a lesson. Every rider in essence receives tuition assistance which Equi-Ed raises through fundraising, donations and grants. Even still, the program may not be accessible to all who wish to participate so we have established a Pegasus Scholarship Fund to further help defray the cost. The staff and Board of Directors work diligently to ensure the availability of these funds to keep tuition costs as affordable as possible.
Due to the limited nature of these funds we sincerely hope that application for a scholarship will be made only after careful assessment of your needs. These funds are distributed as equitably as possible, on the basis of need, and awards are dependent upon the number of requests and the amount of funds available. In addition to family income, additional factors that can affect the amount of tuition assistance awarded include having more than one family member with a disability, being a single parent family, willingness to provide volunteer hours on special projects or riders having unusual/extraordinary medical needs.
To apply for direct scholarship assistance, please complete and submit the Scholarship Application to Equi-Ed.
You may email the completed form to infoequied@aol.com or mail it to:
Equi-Ed, Inc.
1535 Farmer's Lane #217
Santa Rosa, CA 95405